Volume 54, Issue S1 p. 254-257
Technical Sessions: Session 39: Emerging OLED Technologies (OLEDs)

39.2: Invited Paper: First, Faster, Further: Competitive Advantage with Next-Generation Materials Development

Paul Winget

Paul Winget

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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H. Shaun Kwak

H. Shaun Kwak

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Pavel Dub

Pavel Dub

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Hadi Abroshan

Hadi Abroshan

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Dave Giesen

Dave Giesen

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Jun Li

Jun Li

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Yixiang Cao

Yixiang Cao

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Thomas J. Mustard

Thomas J. Mustard

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Jianxin Duan

Jianxin Duan

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Christopher T. Brown

Christopher T. Brown

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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Mathew D. Halls

Mathew D. Halls

Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY 10036, United States EMNI Co., Ltd., 14, Seocheon-ro 201 beon-gil, Yongin, Republic of Korea, 1711

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First published: 03 August 2023


We have entered a paradigm-changing era in the way chemists innovate. Many fields, such as automotive engineering and particle physics, rely today on accurate simulation before experimentation. In recent years, chemistry has entered a new phase of chemical solution design powered by a rich set of physics-based and augmented intelligence capabilities. This talk will present select case studies illustrating some of our latest physics-based simulation technology for developing and optimizing OLED materials. We will also introduce an enterprise informatics platform (LiveDesignTM) focused on chemical discovery, enabling multidisciplinary teams to amplify their development cycle with collaboration on a global scale.